Emergency Action Plan

Emergency Action Plan for Breck School Athletics

An emergency situation could arise at any time during athletic events. The purpose of the athletic emergency action plan is to guide the emergency personnel throughout an emergency ensuring the best possible care.  While the plan is set up to cover each Breck location not everything happens by the book so this is a general guideline and will be modified as necessary.

The most qualified individual on the scene should provide and direct acute care instructions. Individuals with lower credentials should yield to those with more appropriate training.  If Athletic Trainer is present, that person will take command of the situation and will assess all injuries, and determine the appropriate course of action.  The Athletic Trainer will stay with the athlete and the coach will be responsible for assisting in activating the emergency medical system (EMS) (9-1-1) if needed. 

If immediate medical attention is necessary and the Athletic Trainer is not available, call 9-1-1 or refer the athlete to Emergency Room or Urgent Care (if not an emergency) and tell the athlete to follow up with Athletic Trainer.

A medical emergency is any situation that is potentially life-threatening which includes but is not limited to:

  • Loss of consciousness
  • Suspected neck or back injury
  • Cessation of breathing and/or pulse
  • Open or displaced fracture
  • Uncontrollable bleeding
  • Heat illness
  • Shock or severe allergic reaction

Emergency Personnel

  • Athletic Trainer - on-site for all home events and on-call if there are multiple events, priority will go to the higher risk sports
  • Team Physician - on-site for football or on call for other events
  • Head Coach - for a particular team
  • Athletic Director/Assistant AD - on site for all home events and on call if there are multiple events.
  • EMS (9-1-1) - on call for all events
  • Assistant Coach - for a particular team
  • Field Supervisor - at all home events

Roles of Emergency Personnel

  • Immediate First Aid of student-athlete. Check ABCs and life-threatening conditions
  • Activation of Emergency Medical System (EMS) (9-1-1)
  • Provide CPR/Rescue breathing if necessary.  If not necessary take vital signs and monitor till EMS arrives
  • Emergency equipment retrieval, if AED is needed follow AED Protocol
  • Help with the opening of gates for EMS arrival
  • Aid in the location of student-athletes family
  • Assist with crowd control

Emergency Communications

  • Cell Phone - (9-1-1) Athletic Trainer or Head Coach personal phone
  • Land Lines - (9-9-1-1) located in the Field House, Pool, Athletic Training Room, Security Desk Door A and D
  • Campus Security - (763-381-8406)

Emergency Response Equipment

  • Emergency Equipment:
  • Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs): Map to AEDs by Location
  • Coaches Med Kit - located with each coach and brought to each practice and event

Activating the Emergency Medical System

Designated person (athletic trainer or coach) contacts (9-1-1) from a cellular phone or landline (will have to dial 9-9-1-1) if the course of action is needed.

Be prepared to give the 911 dispatcher the following information:

  • Your Name
  • The telephone number of phone calling from
  • Condition of athlete, type of injury, and if the athlete is conscious or unconscious
  • Type of Assistance given to athlete (First Aid/CPR/AED)
  • Address/Directions for EMS to Breck School:
    • Breck School:  123 Ottawa Avenue North, Golden Valley, MN 55422
      Field Name (McKnight Stadium, Ottawa Field, Tennis Courts, Highway 100 Field, Baseball Field 1 or 2, Natchez Park)
    • Building Location (Swimming Pool, Gym A, B, C, Fieldhouse, Weight Room, Athletic Training Room, etc)
    • Breck Anderson Ice Arena:  4210 Olson Memorial Highway, Golden Valley, MN 55422
  • Other information as requested by the dispatcher (DO NOT HANG UP PHONE UNTIL TOLD TO DO SO BY DISPATCHER)

Open any gates/doors that may be locked to let the paramedics in (done by a designated person) then wait for paramedics to arrive and direct them where they need to go.

Provided appropriate emergency care until the arrival of EMS personnel: on arrival of EMS, provide pertinent information, injury, vital signs, treatment rendered, medical history, and assist with emergency care as needed.

Give EMS personnel student-athlete's medical history form if available.

If the parent is in stands, have them accompany the student-athlete to the hospital, if not see if there is an assistant coach that will accompany them to the emergency room.

Emergency Action Plan for Breck Athletic locations are located on the tabs under Emergency Action Plan.